

To simplify the software update DesignFiX serves a complimentary Internet LiveUpdate.
After the start of DesignFiX the program automatically looks in the background after a program update.
This will only happen if an Internet connection exists. During this search phase you can continue working with DesignFiX.
If DesignFiX has found an update, this is indicated in several places in the program by a flashing button. On the tab START a large button appears with the label "Update Available" and top right the same button repeated. Furthermore, a hint appears in the Windows task bar.


Perform LiveUpdate:


This button guides you to the backstage-area to the section Internet LiveUpdate.

There you will see a list of information about program updates.

With the button Start Update DesignFiX is closed and a dialog appears, which guides you through the update process:

hmtoggle_arrow1Update process


Online version: German | English

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