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Required verifications for tension loads

Table 2 summarizes the required verifications for mechanical post-installed anchors under tension load:
Table 2: Required verifications for mechanical post-installed anchors under tension load
  Single anchor Anchor group
Steel failure
Pull-out/pull-through 1)
Conical concrete break-out
Splitting 2)

1) If pull-out/pull-through does not occur then this is stated in the corresponding European approval and the verification is not required.
2) Verification for splitting is not required if the edge distance in all directions is ≥ 1,2 ∙ ccr,sp and the thickness of the concrete component is h ≥ 2 ∙ hef  or if the selected anchor is suitable for use in cracks, the verification is carried out for cracked concrete and a reinforcement is present that limits the crack width to wk ≈ 0,3 mm, taking into account the splitting forces introduced by the anchors. The values ccr,sp are given in the European approval.

As already mentioned, chemical post-installed anchors will not fail due to pull-out/pull-through but due to combined pull-out and concrete failure. Table 3 summarizes the required verifications for chemical post-installed anchors under tension load:
Table 3: Required verifications for chemical post-installed anchors under tension load
  Single anchor Anchor group
Steel failure
Combined pull-out and
concrete failure
Conical concrete break-out
Splitting 1)

1) Verification for splitting is not required if the edge distance in all directions is c ≥ 1,2 ∙ ccr,sp and the thickness of the concrete component is h ≥ 2 ∙ hmin  or if the selected anchor is suitable for use in cracks, the verification is carried out for cracked concrete and a reinforcement is present that limits the crack width to wk ≈ 0,3 mm, taking into account the splitting forces introduced by the anchors. The values ccr,sp and hmin are given in the European approval.

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