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System requirements

DesignFiX is compatible with the following Microsoft-Windows® based operating Systems:
Windows 10®, Windows 11®

PC: IBM-compatible PC
Screen: 1024 x 768 Pixel, 96 DPI
Graphic adapter: True Colour (24/32 Bit), OpenGL-capable
LiveUpdate: Internet
Memory: 1 GB RAM (32 Bit) oder 2 GB RAM (64 Bit)

During installation of DesignFiX the following software modules will be installed:

  • Main program to (default) C:\Program Files (x86)\ZiWu-Soft\DesignFiX
  • Windows Installer 3.1 (Basis for DotNet Installation)
  • .NET 4 + deutsches Sprachpaket
  • This product includes VistaDB, embedded database for .NET applications developed by (
  • This product includes software developed by DevExpress (
  • This product includes software developed by devDept Software S.a.s. (
    Many thanks to Alberto and Luca for the support!
  • This product includes software developed by EC Software GmbH (
    Many thanks to Jörg Ertelt for the support!
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