DesignFiX Projekt VJ Technology

Hersteller von Befestigungssystemen

VJ Technology


VJ Technology
Technology House, Brunswick Road
Cobbs Wood Industrial Estate
Ashford, Kent. TN23 1EN


Corporate Identity Design

VJ Technology DesignFiX

In DesignFiX verfügbare Produktfamilien für VJ Technology

Nr.ProduktAnkerfamilie / AnkerbemessungETAAusgestelltEigenschaften
1GAE410+/EC410+ Epoxy Acrylate ResinETA-12/057022.02.2017  
2GAHPE 385/585 Pure EpoxyETA-10/008720.10.2014 
3GAHPE 385/585 Pure Epoxy RebarETA-10/008720.10.2014 
5GAV420+ RebarETA-17/057007.09.2017 
6GAV420+ v3 (100 Jahre) + InnengewindeETA-17/057007.05.2021  
7GAV420+ v3 (100 Jahre) + RebarETA-17/057007.05.2021 
8GAV420+ v3 (100 Jahre) + GewindestangeETA-17/057007.05.2021 
9GAV420+ v3 (50 Jahre) + InnengewindeETA-17/057007.05.2021  
10GAV420+ v3 (50 Jahre) + RebarETA-17/057007.05.2021 
11GAV420+ v3 (50 Jahre) + GewindestangeETA-17/057007.05.2021 
12GAXPE440 Epoxy (100 Jahre) + InnengewindeETA-20/020217.04.2020  
13GAXPE440 Epoxy (100 Jahre) + RebarETA-20/020217.04.2020 
14GAXPE440 Epoxy (100 Jahre) + GewindestangeETA-20/020217.04.2020 
15GAXPE440 Epoxy (50 Jahre) + InnengewindeETA-20/020217.04.2020  
16GAXPE440 Epoxy (50 Jahre) + RebarETA-20/020217.04.2020 
17GAXPE440 Epoxy (50 Jahre) + GewindestangeETA-20/020217.04.2020 
18GAXPE440 Epoxy + Rebar DdETA-20/020217.04.2020  
19GAXPE440 Epoxy + DdETA-20/020217.04.2020  
20GAfischer EA II Drop-in Anchor A4ETA-07/013520.10.2021  
21GAfischer EA II Drop-in Anchor Zinc-platedETA-07/013520.10.2021  
22GAfischer FAZ II Option 1 ThroughboltETA-05/006924.04.2020 
23GAfischer FBS II Betonschraube - A4ETA-17/074023.10.2018 
24GAfischer FBS II Betonschraube - BZPETA-15/035205.10.2020 
25GAMKT BSZ2-SK A4ETA-22/055124.10.2022 
26GAMKT BSZ2-SU A4ETA-22/055124.10.2022 
27GAMKT BSZ-SK BetonschraubeETA-16/020419.09.2019 
28GAMKT BSZ-SU BetonschraubeETA-16/020419.09.2019 
29GAMKT BZ3 Option 1 ThroughboltETA-19/061910.12.2022 
30GAToge TSM BETA-06/012402.12.2014  
31GAToge TSM ETA Betonschraube Hex Head Zinc FlakeETA-15/051415.09.2021 
32GAToge TSM ETA Betonschraube Gewinde BZPETA-15/051422.09.2020 

DesignFiX has allowed us to bring the VJ Technology range of Chemical resins to our customers in an anchor software calculation program that’s interface is easy to use, provides detailed graphics and performance reports that are extremely informative.
With its live updates it allows us to keep the programs ETAs and information up to date and the potential to add new functionality going forward.
Mr Ziegler, Dr Mallée and the team have been extremely helpful in the setup of the software and provided informative training.
Engineer feedback has been very positive and we look forward to working with DesignFiX in the future.

Chris Kemsley

Technical assistant, VJ Technology Ltd